Utah Health Insurance Association
Utah Health Insurance Association


The Utah Health Insurance Association (UHIA) is a trade association of insurance carriers doing business in the state of Utah. Member companies insure Utahns who purchase their health insurance in the commercially insured market and administer some self-funded health care plans offered in the State. UHIA is dedicated to keeping health insurance premiums affordable, maintaining a competitive private health care insurance system with limited government intrusion, and educating legislators and the general public on the principles and concepts that ensure a sound and thriving health care system in Utah.

UHIA's 2023 President, Stephen Foxley

Welcome to the UHIA website!  


UHIA's new president for the 2023-24 fiscal year is Stephen Foxley from Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield. Mr. Foxley is a seasoned lobbyist with wide influence. His calm intelligence is an asset in critical bill negotiations. Mr. Foxley will help UHIA shape and guide the intricacies of proposed new laws to achieve the best outcomes for insurers and their members. 


Brandon Smart from EMI Health was elected President Elect. 


Private health insurance in Utah is not broken. By law, between 80-85% of all premiums must go directly to paying member’s  claims.[i] The problem with rising premiums isn’t the health insurers and that is why UHIA was formed. We understand that it will take a lot of work to tackle the rising cost of health care. UHIA works to reduce the growing cost of health care by advocating for common sense policies that help all of our members. 


If you or your organization would like to learn more about UHIA or apply to join as a member, please contact our Executive Director, Mike Sonntag at 801-949-3023.  


[i] https://www.cms.gov/cciio/resources/files/downloads/mlr-report-02-15-2013.pdf?bcs-agent-scanner=546b8f04-0bac-e243-9540-c859f5bccd6a

Mike Sonntag is UHIA's Executive Director. Mike is a skilled lobbyist with years of experience in the health insurance industry. He represents UHIA on the Hill and throughout the year with common sense and compassion. His expertise benefits the health insurance industry and the citizens of Utah.

The Truth About the High Cost of Drugs 

Why US Health Care Costs So Much

"Money and Medicine," a documentary set to air Sept. 25 on PBS investigates some of the most notorious drivers of U.S. health care costs. Ray Suarez speaks with Roger Weisberg, the producer and director of the film about some of the reasons these costs are driving the nation toward financial crisis -- while still producing relatively mediocre medical results.

New York Times Weighs in on High Healthcare Costs

An article in the New York Times highlights evidence showing that exorbitant prices for medical services are driving costs higher, making health care coverage more expensive for individuals, families and employers. The article identifies provider consolidation, a lack of transparency in hospital pricing, and the rising costs of drugs and medical equipment as primary factors that are increasing the costs of care.

Bitter Pill: Why Medical Bills are Killing Us


An extremely interesting article published by Time Magazine highlights what's really driving the cost of healthcare


For years providers have pointed the finger at health insurers. However, in his article, Bill Brill, award winning journalists, puts the blame on the backs of hospitals and pharmaceuticals for rising health care cost in the United States and points out that the ACA will do little to curtail costs.


Click here to read more.


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